8 tips for smarter studying at home
Studying at home is not always easy. Sometimes you do not feel organized and motivated or there are way too many distractions. In this article you will find some tips that will hopefully help you to get the right attitude and do the needed.
1. Create the right studying environment
Please note that despite you are studying from home, you still have to follow your regular patterns similar to those at school. For instance, you should study in silence and use your devices only if it is required for completing your homework. Otherwise, you will get distracted and your efficiency will suffer. Also, if you notice that at home you cannot concentrate as good as in your school library, then dare to change the location – most important is to ensure good results and your own comfort.
2. Stay organized
You should try to develop your own organizational system. For example, you can start from keeping record of your assignments, deadlines and homework. It is up to you where you decide to do it – on a simple piece of paper or in an electronic format. Also, do not forget to organize your learning materials. It will be easier to find the required notes if you have different labelling for different subjects, etc.
3. Manage your time
Effective time management is something that you will need for the rest of your life so it is definitely a good idea to start learning it early. Before jumping on a certain subject, plan how much time you are going to devote to it and try to stick to your estimation. It is understandable that apart from your studying aims and objectives you also might have some extracurricular activities which you should learn to squeeze in so you have enough time for everything.
4. Talk to your peers and tutors
While working on different projects, do not hesitate to discuss them with your peers on social media. Together it is easier to brainstorm and implement creative ideas. Also, teachers are always open to hear your questions and help you with your studying. By the way, having questions is a sign that you are actually learning!
5. Consider making flashcards
If you are getting prepared for an exam, you will easier memorize the key information if you turn it into flashcards. For example, if you are learning vocabulary, write the word you want to learn on one side and its translation on the other side. Locate the cards on an even surface and change turn them from time to time to train your memory. The flashcards can be made from paper index cards or using different mobile apps.
6. Take a break
For every hour that you study you should take at least 15 minutes break so that your brain gets refreshed and you can keep up with your pace and efficiency. Otherwise, you will feel too stressed and frustrated. During your breaks try not to scroll your social media news feed but, instead, go for a walk, listen to music or chat with your friends.
7. Reward yourself
Do not forget to reward yourself for your hard work. Promise yourself to get your favorite snack, to have a bath or play your favorite game under condition that you complete your target task. This way you will stay more motivated not to give up – you just need to find what exactly keeps you going!
8. Do not give up studying
Do not start studying the night before the exam but better do it consistently and begin early. For your brain to be able to retain what you learn, you have to do it daily in smaller chunks. If you follow this advice, you will definitely find it easy to perform well in your final assignment.
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