Marielle – Good Tutors Finder Exceptional Tutors - All Subjects, All Ages Tue, 11 May 2021 16:23:01 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Marielle – Good Tutors Finder 32 32 How to choose between the IB and A-Level Fri, 07 May 2021 02:00:44 +0000

How to choose between the IB and A-Level

One of the most important decisions to make when considering an international school is choosing which program you will study. You have two options: the General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (commonly known as A-Level), or the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (the IB). Both of these courses are what is popularly known as “high school” programs, which you take during your last two years, and can be taken by anyone who is above 16-years-old.

Which one is best for you depends entirely on your personal preferences, this is different for every student. Now, so that you can make up your own mind, it is important to know how the study programs are structured in the first place.


A-Levels are the official high school diploma in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Typically, students take three or four subjects at A-Level, but they can choose more if they want to.

This program of study is divided into two “phases”: AS-levels and A2-levels. AS-Levels are taken in your first year of study and serve as a “foundation” for your final year when you are expected to take on more advanced coursework. Students are allowed to opt-out of some subjects after their first year, so they will have AS-level qualifications for these areas as long as they complete at least three subjects at A2-level. These count towards the “final grade,” while the AS-levels can serve as an addition to your curriculum. Most A-level subjects consist of four modules each.

The grading system is letters instead of numbers, as is custom in the United Kingdom, they go from A-E in capital letters, while the AS-level grades are written as lowercase letters (a-e)

IB Diploma

This international program consists of six subjects. You must take one subject from each of the following areas: first language (one in which you are already academically competent), second language, humanities, Science, and Mathematics. The last subject can either be taken in the humanities area, or you can use it to take an additional subject in one of the other areas. In addition, you must choose three of these subjects to take at the Higher Level (ideally subjects related to your personal interests and what you want to do in your future career) to allow you to deepen your knowledge. These are comparable to the German Leistungskurs in high school.

The IB program also includes an academic core consisting of a subject called Theory of Knowledge (TOK), an Extended Essay (EE), and CAS (which stands for Creativity, Action, and Service and encourages students to engage in extracurricular activities).

IB grades go from 1 to 7 in each subject. For the Extended Essay and TOK, a student can receive a maximum of 3 bonus points, so the highest total score that can be achieved is 45. The diploma is awarded to students with a minimum of 24 points, but there are also some other

So which degree program should you choose?

If you don’t necessarily want to go to a university in the UK, the IB is probably a better choice. Since it is an international program, it is recognized in almost 90 countries and also strongly promotes a global perspective. However, if you are sure you want to study in the UK, it is better to do A-Levels, as this is the country’s traditional high school diploma.

A-Levels would also be better if you want to enroll in a university, such as Oxford or Cambridge, or in a course, such as medicine, that requires an interview as part of the admissions process, as the questions you will be asked are usually phrased with A-Levels in mind. 

This is also because A-Levels allow for deeper knowledge in areas related to what you want to do at university because there are far fewer subjects and coursework, so students have more time for independent study.

On the other hand, if you’re not sure what course of study you want to pursue at which university, you should probably take the IB because it’s broader in scope and gives you exposure to a wide variety of knowledge areas. Also, the IB better prepares students for university work, as there is research throughout the two years that go into the final grade (the internal assessments and the Extended Essay), not just exams at the end.

Still, there’s no denying that the IB Diploma is really a lot of work and may not give you the freedom you might need.

Our Tutoring Services offer excellent Tutors at Home and Online, in Mathematics, Science, Physics, German, French, English, and more. We help to improve your marks, master a skill, or go beyond the curriculum. We offer One-to-One and Group Tuition Online. Our Tutors master the IB Diploma, IGCSE, AP, and Gymi syllabus.

Good Tutors Finder is available everywhere in France, including Paris, Strasbourg, Nice, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Marseille, Rouen, and all other cities.

Find out more and book a tutor today!

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Top Ten Exam Revision Tips Sun, 18 Apr 2021 11:33:05 +0000

Top Ten Exam Revision Tips

We’re not going to sugarcoat it: A-Level and IB are tough. But despair is misplaced because if you follow these 10 tips, you’ll get the exam results you need to get into the degree program of your choice.

Yes, it’s almost summer and yes, there are more exciting things to do than study, but A-Level and IB exams are important. Many degree programs, such as medicine, psychology, or law, unfortunately still have an NC (numerus clausus), which is an admission restriction that sorts out prospective students based on their final grades. 


It is also important to note that in A-Level and IB not only the grades of the final exams count but also the complete 3 years before. With these 10 tips, you will manage to keep cool and master the exams as well as possible. 


Our tutors at Good Tutors Finder are familiar with the different syllabuses, such as the IB Diploma, IGCSE, AP, and the Gymi syllabus, and will be able to help you appropriately.

1. Allow plenty of time

Start studying as early as possible – especially for the subjects you find most difficult. This way you can best prepare your brain through constant repetition and practice.

2. Organize

Organization and order are true miracle cures that help you keep track and not get lost in the flood of learning material. There are several ways to keep up to date, tools can be for example a weekly or monthly planner, calendar on the smartphone, timer, Post-It notes, or similar.

You can create a kind of curriculum for yourself, in which you plan what you want to focus on each week. To do this, you can write down learning goals and check them off each time they are achieved. Breaking down the learning material into small parts makes the whole thing look a lot less and therefore doable. Also, checking things off as you learn them will motivate you as you see the progress you are making.

Don’t forget to be realistic though – don’t cram everything in a single day, it’s exhausting and doesn’t do you any good in the end.

Read here for more exam preparation tips.

3. Look for a module description

For every single subject, there are specifications that contain everything you need to know, including the breakdown of exams and the weighting of each assignment. 

This document can be a great help as the emphasis is clearly set and you know what to look out for. Just ask a teacher or in the secretary’s office.

4. Understanding exam objectives

It is important to understand both the individual tasks and the big exam objectives. This makes it easier to contextualize more complex tasks and transfer skills. 

Often different questions are designed to test different skills, so if you recognize the question type, you’re more likely to be able to give the examiners exactly what they want.

5. Take breaks from learning

Research has shown that we learn better when we learn in small bites over a period of time, rather than cramming as much as we can into one long session. 

The Pomodoro Technique may sound like some kind of pasta sauce (it is), but it’s also a very practical review technique that can help you learn better. Invented by Francesco Cirillo, the Pomodoro technique divides work into 25-minute sessions followed by a short break.

Whether you follow this technique or choose your own study/break schedule, the key is to take regular breaks. Go for a walk, meditate, check out what’s happening on social media – whatever relaxes you and clears your mind for further learning.

If we don’t give our bodies an undisturbed night’s rest, it limits our ability to perform tremendously. So cramming through a night before an exam does more harm than good…

Read here about the do’s and don’ts the night before the exam.

6. Ask for mock exams or old exam sheets

Often teachers still have old exam sheets from previous grades on the respective topic lying around, this can help a lot for practice, as you can see there what the question and task style of the respective teacher is and best tune in to it.

7. Don't allow distractions or enticements

Smartphone, tablet, TV – In short, our home is full of distractions and enticements, things that would be more fun than learning right now. Leaving your phone out of reach can be really hard, maybe even impossible, when you need to check things on the internet for the topic. 

Remedy can be such things as the focus mode on some devices, they are pre-installed, but also available via app. There you can select apps, such as the internet browser, a dictionary, calculator, or whatever you need at the time for that learning session, that will remain enabled while all other apps and distractions are disabled. And to disable focus mode, you have to go through a few steps and wait a bit, which is an effort that most of the time is not justified by any distraction.

8. Nutrition is important

A well-known saying goes, “You are what you eat,” if you eat an unbalanced diet, you may experience deficiencies that affect brain performance. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to a balanced diet. 

First of all, it is essential to emphasize that there is no one superfood that comes flying in and solves all problems, it is the balance that matters. There are some tools to help with this. 

For example, it can be difficult to get the important omega-3 fatty acids in everyday life, especially for people who don’t exactly live by the sea, because they are found in algae, seafood, and fish. This can be remedied with the help of supplements, there are omega-3 capsules either from fish or algae in most drug stores. 

Read here for other supplements that can help you learn.

Whole-grain foods like whole-wheat pasta and cereal also help boost short-term memory as they are full of B vitamins. Other foods that can have a positive impact on brain power are rice, nuts, flaxseeds, bananas, and many more.

And speaking of food and drink: Energy drinks may give you a boost…. but the effects don’t last long – you’ll soon find yourself down to earth. Water is clearly a better choice.

9. Make notes more visually appealing

Our brains and eyes get tired very quickly when reading black on white, as they generally do with monotonous tasks. You can remedy this by embellishing your notes and study materials in a visual way, even if you’re not the next Picasso.

Another option is to learn the material through YouTube videos. For History, for example, there are history channels, languages such as English, French or German can be learned more easily by listening and watching, and natural Science such as Physics, Biology, and Chemistry, as well as Mathematics, can be explained quite vividly using a wide variety of techniques.

Most YouTubers are also somewhat younger than most teachers, which is why it is easier for many students to identify with them and learn from them.

10. Listening to music without lyrics

Music is a daily companion for many. Among other things, it can calm us down, motivate us, build us up, and make us reminisce. It’s clear that you don’t want to miss out on this superpower when learning, but often when your favorite songs are playing, you catch yourself singing along once too often rather than focusing on learning.

To avoid this, but still be able to listen to music it is advisable to resort to music without lyrics. You can either choose instrumental versions of your favorite songs, meditation music, classical music, or whatever you feel like. 

The insider tip of our students is Lo-Fi Hip Hop. 

Of course, our tutors from Good Tutors Finder can provide you with additional support. They are familiar with various tips and tricks that will get you through any degree, for example, IB Diploma, IGCSE, AP, and the Gymi curriculum. You can find us online or directly at your home in France, including Paris, Strasbourg, Nice, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Marseille, Rouen, and all the other cities.

Find out more and book your tutor today.

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5 Tips to Support Children with ADHD and Online Tuition. Sat, 06 Mar 2021 19:14:02 +0000

5 Tips to Support Children with ADHD and Online Tuition.

Without the rules and structure of the classroom, students with ADHD in Online Tuition struggle greatly. Here’s how to make it easier for children.

Tears and tantrums – that’s what you’ve heard far too often from parents who have children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) since the pandemic began, unfortunately. Children have been ripped out of their routines, where they could normally follow lessons at school to some extent with the support of teachers, and now have to follow a chaotic and malfunctioning online class in a room brimming with distractions.

Without the teacher support they are used to and the firm rules and structure of the classroom, the struggle to stay organized and keep up with lessons and homework has suddenly become overwhelming.

Tutors can also be supportive after school. At Good Tutors Finder, all tutors are trained to meet the special needs of children with ADHD or other limitations that prevent them from following the subject matter. This can take place online, but also directly at their home, under strict hygiene measures of course, which can make it easier for the affected child to keep focus. This offer is available everywhere in France, including Paris, Strasbourg, Nice, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Marseille, Rouen, and all other cities.

Australian psychologist Rae Thomas estimates that about 7.2% of children worldwide live with ADHD. It is considered one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders in childhood. In the middle elementary and middle school years, symptoms can include difficulty handling tasks, restlessness, when inactive, rushed and messy work, and difficulty following multi-step instructions. 

Everyone’s symptoms are different and there is no one-size-fits-all solution, so it is important to maintain constant contact between the affected child, parents, teachers, and tutors in order to provide the best possible support.

“ADHD affects the whole brain,” says Adiaha Spinks-Franklin, MD, a developmental and behavioral pediatrician and associate professor at Baylor College of Medicine in the United States. “Their brains don’t make enough dopamine or epinephrine – chemicals that are important for self-control and self-regulation. So students with ADHD can’t regulate their impulses, attention, and emotions as well. They struggle with organization, with time and money management.”

Virtual classrooms present special problems. Researchers recently found that 31 percent of parents of children with ADHD describe homeschooling as “very challenging” and have difficulty supporting their children at home. Teachers and students may also be at a disadvantage. In the physical classroom, teachers can usually tell when students with ADHD are confused or agitated and need a quick prompt to refocus – but many of these signals are lost during Zoom instruction. And because home-based learning is generally more independent, it requires more focus and organization, two qualities that are often in short supply in students with ADHD.

To support children with ADHD in elementary and middle school, the educators we spoke with, focus on the basics of online instruction: brain and body breaks, breaking lessons into shorter units, and being able to connect with students-especially those with ADHD-and ask for feedback as often as possible. “In regular classrooms, the whole first quarter is about understanding students’ learning styles and building partnerships with them to learn how I can help them,” elementary teachers say. “We can’t forget that point when we teach digitally.”

How do individual students learn best?

Find out and support where you can.

Sydney Zentall, professor of education at Purdue University, says, “Repetitive and long lessons that require sustained mental effort are difficult for most children – but they are especially difficult for students with ADHD, who tend to get bored and digress. Intentionally including choices can engage students with ADHD and allow them to sustain their attention longer. There is also research that shows that introducing another activity that appeals to a different sense – such as standing up for a few minutes during a virtual lesson or listening to white noise or soft background music while working on math problems – can keep children’s brains focused on the main task.

Some students with ADHD prefer to log into online classes on their cell phones because it allows them to move around the house or go out to the backyard without missing a moment of class. Being physically engaged helps them stay focused. 

To help students with ADHD create an optimal learning environment, a one-on-one conversation with the student is advised to discuss how they learn best and how they can improve their learning environment at home. Questions such as “Where are you learning right now?” and “Does this feel calm to you?” can be helpful.

After all, when students with ADHD are allowed to fidget, they are able to focus better. In the physical classroom, this can easily distract other children, but the virtual space provides enough freedom without disturbing others. Many items that everyone has somewhere at home can be used and they are quiet so they don’t disturb other children: Pipe cleaners, rubber bands, beaded bracelets, play-doh, a small handball, or paper clips, for example. All of these items can help keep children’s hands busy while they learn.

Assist in organizing and keeping a schedule

Students with ADHD forget time more often and have more difficulty sticking to plans. Setting reminders (with multiple notifications, if needed) of class start times, due dates, and other tasks on their cell phones can help. Sometimes even a simple kitchen timer can help divide up tasks and focus on specific chunks of time.

Visual timers that show quite clearly how much time has passed and how much time is left helps many children stay organized.

Battery-powered devices that mimic analog clocks make it easy for students. During the time children are learning from home, time management techniques such as the Pomodoro technique – essentially setting a timer and focusing on a specific task for 25 minutes, then taking a five-minute break, and then returning to the task – can help children stay consistently productive.

From the teacher’s side, it’s important that they also are considerate of students who are affected and, for example, always post class information, teaching materials, and important messages in the same (virtual) place and give parents access to them as well so that kids can establish some sort of routine around it that they can stick to and so that parents can support them appropriately. You can do things like post the study plans at eye level so they can’t be overlooked, put all the times in the cell phone, either in the calendar or as an alarm clock, and leave enough time for breaks.

These types of strategies help limit the anxiety that comes with being overwhelmed. Because if these two feelings take over, the child will not have a chance to follow the lesson. Especially when a child checks in late or is just confused and doesn’t know what’s coming next, teachers need to remain patient and not resort to verbal abuse, as is unfortunately so common in schools after all. Soothing words can take the pressure off and help bring the focus back to what is happening in class.

Start with the big picture and then break it down into smaller parts

Children with ADHD often have problems with executive functions. Executive functions are the brain’s self-control capacities; they allow us to maintain actions and problem solving toward a goal, they are often described with the words “goal-directed problem solving and goal-directed persistence.”

One of these executive functions is the ability to tap into “nonverbal working memory” to create mental maps that guide our behavior to achieve a goal – and to remember the sequence of steps required to do so. For example, a complex, multi-step homework assignment without this appropriate scaffolding can be a major hurdle for a child with ADHD.

When homeschooling, it is especially important for children with ADHD to start with the big picture and then move on to the small parts, seeing the forest first, then the trees, so to speak. Many children and adolescents with ADHD have reported that it is much easier for them to understand a topic if you start with the big picture of what it should add up to in the end than if you start with small portions. This can be problematic because often, especially in subjects like Mathematics or Science the lesson guide goes the other way; building up the basics in small bites, often without clearly showing the end product. This can be overwhelming for children with ADHD and can throw them out of the whole lesson series.

Incorporate children's online behaviors into learning.

Poor working memory is common in people with ADHD, which can make reading comprehension and retention difficult. When students read a text on a screen, they tend to skim it rather than read it closely – making it even harder for children with ADHD to understand and retain what they read. But asking students to read more slowly and summarize each paragraph helps them remember the information better because it requires active focus.

When students read a text online, you can use a reading strategy where you number the main paragraphs of the reading material and ask students to write down the main idea for each paragraph. There is also a little trick to this; if the summary consists of a single hashtag this accomplishes several tasks: They are easy to understand and help kids remember the paragraph, making them up stimulates creativity since you need that to put a whole paragraph into one or two words, and they are catchier, more memorable, and simpler, which takes a lot of work out of the memorization process.


All children benefit from short breaks during the school day, but for children with ADHD, regular breaks outside of Zoom lessons are critical to maintaining concentration.

Regular movement breaks should be taken to break up lessons and learning periods. Maintaining concentration for an extended period of time is a real struggle for children with ADHD. Therefore, it is advisable to set up the sessions for no longer than 30 minutes, and after each of them, take a break to get rid of the excess energy. After the break, breathing exercises can be used to calm down and bring the focus back to learning.

And because kids who learn from home miss out on important opportunities to interact with their peers, we recommend scheduling unstructured Zoom breaks where kids can goof around and talk to each other. This also helps manage stress, which can be overwhelming in the isolation time we experience today.

If you would still like to provide your child with a trained tutor after school who can help with structure and organization, we have just what you need. At Good Tutors Finder, we only have hand-picked tutors who are well versed in these and other strategies and can apply them, whether they are in IB Diploma, IGCSE, AP, or lower grades. Mathematics, Science, Physics, German, French, English, and more, no matter which subject is difficult, our tutors can help out.

Find out more and book your tutor today!

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7‌ ‌tips‌ ‌for‌ ‌choosing‌ ‌a‌ ‌‌tutor‌ Sun, 28 Feb 2021 18:59:51 +0000

7 ‌tips‌ ‌for‌ ‌choosing‌ ‌a‌ ‌‌tutor

The reasons to seek out tutoring are many; parents don’t want their child to fall behind academically, students want assistance with organization, exam preparation or reinforcing subject knowledge, or are looking for someone to guide them through challenging subjects and ultimately help them finish the year with a grade they can be proud of.

In addition, it’s obvious that good tutors can make the difference between passing or failing, which can have a big impact on an individual student’s future. Therefore, tutors also have a special responsibility and it is important that they are trained and qualified to do so.

Tutoring is not just about having the subject knowledge. One-on-one tutoring requires a certain amount of patience, adaptability, and persistence. If you want to make sure you’re choosing the right tutor for your child, check out these 7 things to look for.


Every student has their own unique speed of learning and grasping concepts. Therefore, it is important that a tutor has the ability to adapt to each protégé individually, whether things need more time or less. Since there are many students who struggle with different things and are already behind in school, it is not helpful if a person outside of school puts pressure on them with impatience. In the worst case, this can lead to the child completely closing off from tutoring and not accepting any help at all. Therefore, patience is an important virtue that tutors should have.


Of course, a certain amount of specialized knowledge belongs to tutoring, that goes without saying and a lot of people have it. What not so many people have, however, is the ability to convey and teach this knowledge. This is really a work of art, because every single student has a very individual receptivity, some understand something when they write it down themselves, others understand it when you explain it using real situations. Finding out what works for a person and applying it successfully is no easy task and requires didactic training. At Good Tutors Finder, all tutors are handpicked and qualified to meet any student’s needs, whether it is IB Diploma, IGCSE, A-Level, AP, Matura, Abitur and Gymi curriculum.


Tutors must be able to adapt to each student they work with. Since there is no universal formula, their approach must depend on the individual needs of the student and the particular difficulties he or she is experiencing. During sessions, tutors need to keep track of the student’s progress and determine if they need to change your plan or approach if it is not working.

Keeping children's attention:

It is important to keep the attention of the students. This can be especially difficult with younger children or uninteresting topics, as there can easily be a lot of distractions. Even a speck of dust can be more interesting than learning.

A tutor must know how to keep the attention and not bore the children, even if the subject is not the most exciting.

With a lot of energy and enthusiasm, interaction and activities, even the dullest topic can become an experience and learning can happen in a very playful way. If a tutor can do that, they are definitely a good tutor. At Good Tutors Finder you can decide whether the tutoring should be done online or at your home all over France, including: Paris, Strasbourg, Nice, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Marseille, Rouen and many more. No matter which option you choose, our tutors inside know exactly how to implement this way of teaching.


Tutors must be able to listen actively and show a level of openness that makes them approachable and accessible. Listening also helps you better understand the student’s situation so that you can develop an effective plan. The active participation and openness of the tutor will provide comfort and a sense of worth to students who are facing challenges. Tutors can demonstrate openness by making a visible commitment to making students’ academic performance better.


Tutors must demonstrate maturity in order to be a good role model for students and trustworthy for students’ parents. Parents will not trust them with their children if they are rude, cannot pay attention, or talk about inappropriate things. It is important to note that maturity has nothing to do with age, but how you act. 


A passion for teaching and the subjects you want to teach is obviously very important. Having a tutor who has no desire or enjoyment for the subject is tiring and demotivating. This can determine the future of the entire subject. Students who already have difficulties in a subject, seek tutoring and only experience rejection there, may lose the desire to do so forever. Of course, we don’t want that to happen.

That’s why Good Tutors Finder only has tutors who are experts in their fields and have made subjects like Mathematics, Science, Physics, German, French, English, and more their passion.

Find out more and book a tutor today!

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How to get the best mark at the IB Diploma Sun, 28 Feb 2021 18:41:47 +0000

How to get the best mark at the IB Diploma.

Success in the IB Diploma doesn’t just fall at your feet; proving yourself in the face of the Diploma requires discipline, in-depth knowledge, and hard work.

The good news is that, on average, 75% of students pass the diploma in every round! To find out exactly what you need to do to pass, we at Good Tutors Finder  took a critical look at the question.

Here are our top 5 tips for passing the IB Diploma.

1- Strategy for constant effort.

The IB Diploma is a marathon, not a sprint. It’s about building a strategy for the complete time it takes to complete the diploma, not shimmying from one work assignment to the next and hoping it all works out in the end. The work ethic and effort you put in during class should remain constant and consistent.

2- Balance

It is important to give yourself enough balance to the IB Diploma. You can’t study and work all the time, it will wear you out in the long run and limit your potential. Some students decide to give up their extracurricular activities or stop playing sports to fully focus on the diploma because of the pressure to perform and the workload. While it may be a good idea to cut back on some commitments, you still need an outlet to blow off steam and take a break from studying. At Good Tutors Finder, we encourage all of our students to find a hobby or other outlet to balance work and pleasure.

3- Organization

Organization is extremely important in order to stay on top of a heavy workload and not drown in task overload. Having a calendar with all the deadlines for submission and exams, analog or digital can already declutter the brain a bit. You can save a study plan in your cell phone, which reminds you what you need to focus on today. Prioritizing is also very important, so you don’t waste time on tasks that may not be relevant at that moment, but turn directly to the things that are crucial right now.

4- Practice and repetition

Throughout the course, one should make notes and summaries of the content covered. These should be kept in one place and a larger summary written weekly or bi-weekly, this also helps to memorize the material again. This is important so that in the final exam preparation you don’t have to dig through a whole year of material to find exam-relevant content, but can simply browse through summaries and find it. Especially in common problem subjects like Mathematics, Science, Physics or languages like German, French, English this can be very helpful for understanding. One of our tutors can also help with this.

5- Ask for help

The IB Diploma can be one of the biggest challenges in life, but this hurdle does not have to be taken alone. You should make sure that you have a strong enough social network around you that can be supportive when you need it. 

It is important to keep in touch with parents, classmates and teachers and not to withdraw when things get difficult. Needing help is still considered a weakness by society, which it definitely is not, since it is not written anywhere that you have to do everything on your own and there are no extra awards for not asking for help.

You can of course turn to our tutors, they are trained to meet the needs of all students and assist them with any of the above.

Tutoring can take place online or directly at your home in France, including cities like Paris, Strasbourg, Nice, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Marseille, Rouen, according to your wishes. Our tutors are hand-picked and qualified for the IB Diploma, IGCSE, AP and Gymi curriculum, depending on what you and your child need.

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Awesome IB Internal Assessment Tips Sun, 28 Feb 2021 18:26:13 +0000

Awesome IB Internal Assessment Tips

What are Internal Assessments IA's?

In each subject of the International Baccalaureate (IB), students must take an Internal Assessment, or IA, in addition to the Extended Essay and Knowledge Theory exams. 

The scope of these IA’s varies in each subject. For example, in English, students must demonstrate their proficiency in oral assessments, while in Math, investigative analysis is in demand.

Why are internal assessments important?

Internal assessments offer students the opportunity to earn “easy” grades by completing and submitting an assignment that they have worked on throughout the IB course. Unlike exams, internal assessments provide students with ample opportunity to structure, develop, and perfect their assignments before submitting them to the IB Institute.

It is important that students view Internal Assessment grades as guaranteed results that will positively improve their overall grade. Few people love exams because they are time pressured, which many don’t handle well and get blackouts. They are also only graded on whatever comes to the students mind at the time. 

In long term assignments, such as IA’s, the knowledge and skill level of the students as a whole is fairly assessed. They also have ample time to turn to teachers or tutors for assistance with these projects. 

IA’s are also better preparation for later life because in most professions you tend to write fewer exams, but encounter long-term projects and submissions all the more often.

What does it mean to have IAs internally assessed?

When you submit your Internal Assessment to your teacher, they are required to evaluate each student’s work and assign them a grade based on the grading criteria. These grades are then uploaded to the International Baccalaureate organization and are often referred to as predicted grades. Your instructor is not required to provide you with this predicted grade, as it often changes.

What grade will I actually receive for my IA?

What happens if my teacher is a strict evaluator?

After the International Baccalaureate organization receives the predicted grade, they ask your school/teacher to send a sample of student work (usually only five) for their reviewers to review. You may wonder why all the papers are not graded, but the simple answer is that it would be too costly and time-consuming for the graders. These samples usually include the highest and lowest scoring Internal Assessments and a random selection from the middle.

The IB staff member who grades them looks at the student samples and grades them using the same grading criteria to determine if your teacher has graded the work too harshly or too leniently. This process is called moderation and is in place to ensure that the teacher does not grade unfairly in comparison to other classes. As a result of moderation, the grade for the entire year for the Internal Exam may stay the same, improve, or worsen depending on how the scorer judges your teacher’s predicted grades.

At Good Tutors Finder, we have qualified IB-tutors, who are well equipped to help students with IA’s and provide you with support. Help can be offered in one specific subject, such as  Mathematics, Science, Physics, German, French, English, but also in several at once. Tutoring can take place either  Online or at your home throughout France, including: Paris, Strasbourg, Nice, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Marseille und Rouen, according to your needs.

Visit Good Tutors Finder and book a tutor today!

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Which IB subject to choose? Fri, 05 Feb 2021 22:25:17 +0000

Which IB subject to choose?

This article will help IB students decide on their HLs (High Levels, like advanced courses) and SLs (Standard Levels, like basic courses) in the IB program by asking 6 important questions. Read this article to choose the best combination of subjects for the IB program.

So you have decided to take the IB Diploma. This indicates that you know the benefits and that it is worth the effort. Now it’s time to choose the subjects, how to do that is what all IB students ask themselves at the beginning of their journey. Here we want to help make the choice easier with some questions.

The questions are a proven method that has helped many students find the right subjects for them. The questions are as follows:

What is the most important decision you have made for yourself

It is often best to look at past experiences when making decisions for the future, as this is the only way to learn from mistakes and repeat positive decisions. You can apply the same principle when choosing your IB subjects. Think about the most important decision you made academically. Did you choose to do challenging assignments in middle school or did you not over-engage with the curriculum? While neither decision has hierarchical value, evaluating these decisions of your recent past will help you understand your natural inclination and ideal path for the future.

However, it is also important to remember that priorities change over time. Your past decision should be just one aspect that plays a role in your choice of majors. It should only give you an indication of the academic pursuits you want to get into. This question can also help you figure out if you want to be more of an athlete, pursue a creative career, or conquer the corporate world. Look for clues about where you’ve prioritized one thing over another. For example, look in your past to see if you were willing to skip several classes to attend a sporting event, or if you looked forward to debate club more than your prom? 

What do you feel most uncomfortable about?

This question is pretty easy to answer. Over the past few years of school, you should have developed a sense of which subject or sub-subject you dislike the most, whether it’s solving a math equation or analyzing a poem. Think about the school lessons you were least looking forward to, this will help you figure out which subjects are best to drop or choose only as a foundation course/ SL. Good Tutors Finder is happy to assist you with subjects such as math, science, physics, German, French, English and more.

But also be aware of where this feeling of dislike actually comes from, because it is often the case that students dislike a subject because they don’t get along with the teachers involved. 

What is something that you have found rewarding?

If you actually disliked attending a lecture because of the teacher, then you should consider how rewarding it was for you to do well in that subject. This will help you analyze your affinity for it. Let’s take the example of mathematics. Most people find it challenging to deal with the complex mathematical concepts. However, some find it rewarding when they can crack the code and understand what took them a lot of time, effort and brainstorming. The topic then becomes a challenge. It would be ideal if you choose challenging subjects for your High Levels (HL), provided you have the right motivation for the challenges they bring. 

What are your favorite subjects?

All students have a favorite subject or even several. They find it interesting, look forward to the lessons and even read about it sometimes in their free time because the subject area is exciting at the moment. Finding out what these subjects are will help you locate their honors courses/HLs.

Your favorite subject should be the one in which you want to write your Extended Essay (EE) i.e. thesis, because then you can not only research that subject thoroughly, but also choose a focus in that subject for your university. Good Tutors Finder is happy to help you prepare for it, with a tutor at your home or online. On the other hand, it will help you to study the subject intensively for two years to find out if you really like it. You may come to the conclusion that your “favorite” subject isn’t the right one after all, after doing in-depth research on it. It will save you from wasting time on it! Either way, it will give you great insight about your academic self.

What is your learning style?

This is a particularly important point. There are several types of learning, but the most common are theoretical and logical. The former is a lot about memorization and knowing facts, so if you are this type of learner, subjects like history or social studies probably suit you quite well. The logical type of learner is all about deduction and getting to the essence, such as a mathematical equation, so STEM subjects (math, computer science, science, technology) suit this type of learner best. 

What do your teachers say?

This is an unpopular and partly unpleasant point and therefore the last one to be addressed.

Although the choice of IB subjects is entirely your own, it can still be helpful to hear what your teachers have to say about the potential selection. It is best to get several opinions on the matter right away, as this will help you create an objective overall picture. This will help them avoid a false self-assessment. 

How to choose IB subjects?

You often hear such sayings as “listen to your gut feeling” or “decide intuitively”, which of course makes sense, since no one can tell you which subjects to choose, but they don’t make the selection any easier. You can’t know how you like a subject until you’ve actually had it. 

Choosing an IB subject should be a subtle combination of what piques your interest, but also challenges you in the right way. An ideal subject would be one that you have some level of knowledge about and would like to learn more about. It should also be challenging enough that you have to work for it, but not overwhelm you.

 One way to test your intuition is to close your eyes, take a deep breath, empty your mind, like meditation. Then focus on a positive feeling and say the first subject that comes to mind. This way you know which subject you subconsciously like the most. After that, you can repeat this until you have a clear view of which subjects have priority and which do not.

This is one of the first steps in your journey to answering the question of how to choose IB subjects. Once you have your list prepared, you need to confide in those who know you inside and out and can better advise you on your IB subject choices.

During the IB Diploma, you will need to complete mandatory projects, such as writing your Extended Essay and creating your ToK presentation. To master all your IB projects, Good Tutors Finder provides you with the best resources. 

At Good Tutors Finder, you can find your tutor in France, in cities such as: Paris, Strasbourg, Nice, Bordeau, Toulouse, and all others. 

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5 Advantages Of Hiring a Tutor in France Tue, 26 Jan 2021 17:40:15 +0000

5 Advantages Of Hiring a Tutor in France

Tutoring is often stereotyped negatively: it is expensive, it doesn’t help anyway, it is time-consuming and much more. The true advantages and the positive influence on students are quickly forgotten.

Of course, hiring a tutor is a decision that should be made carefully. To help you do this with a clear conscience, we at Good Tutors Finder are happy to explain the whole process in more detail.

Is your child falling behind in class or bringing home poor grades?  Maybe your child can’t handle the homework load or is losing interest in school, these are clear signs that external help is needed. However, tutoring can be offered as a preventative measure before these symptoms even appear, as almost every student can benefit from it.

Here are 5 possible benefits of tutoring.

1. Tutors work at an individually set pace.

One of the biggest benefits of a tutor is that they work at the pace that is right for the students. Often, lessons that take place in the classroom are hectic and over too quickly for all students to keep up with the material. A tutor can pace the class individually, and students can ask as many questions as they need without feeling pressured.

2. Tutors provide personal attention.

Many classes consist of 25-30 students, which can make it difficult to impossible for teachers to provide individual attention all the time.  This often leads to students feeling neglected, especially when they need extra help.  A tutor is a teacher, just one who doesn’t have to worry about all the other kids in the class. She is always available to answer questions and will go over the topics as many times as it takes for your child to fully understand the curriculum. In addition, the tutors also get to know your child’s individual learning style and adjust their teaching methods accordingly.

3. They teach more than just the curriculum.

In the classroom, children are often taught only what is on the curriculum.  A great advantage of tutoring is that there are no lesson plans and tutors are able to teach anything that will help your child better understand the curriculum. This can include learning techniques, time management, organization, and prioritization. Tutors can also help children overcome barriers to learning, such as math formulas, comprehension, and language barriers.

4. Tutoring is flexible and convenient.

Tutoring is ideal if you have a busy schedule. You can decide how many sessions you want for your child and change it as needed.  For example, if your child normally has one weekly session but needs help preparing for an exam, you can increase the number of sessions at your discretion. It is also convenient to have tutoring sessions at your home or online. At Good Tutors Finder, you can find qualified tutors throughout France, including: Paris, Strasbourg, Nice, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Marseille, Rouen, and many more.

5. A tutor can help your child have goals.

 When children are in school, there is often not as much emphasis on goal setting as there should be. A tutor can change that, as their priority is to help your child set goals and, more importantly, help them achieve them.

Why Good Tutors Finder is just right for you?

Good Tutors Finder offers quality tutors at home or online tuition classes that fits your schedule and budget. Our tutors provide students with a personalized program, including IB Diploma, IGCSE, AP, and Gymi curriculum, in subjects such as Mathematics, Science, Physics, German, French, English, and more, tailored to their abilities, learning style, and personality. 

Are you ready to get started?  Good Tutors Finder will design an individualized tutoring plan based on your child’s learning ability. All of our tutors are hand-picked and experienced in teaching children of all ages. 

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How do you know it is time to get a tutor? Wed, 23 Dec 2020 16:51:24 +0000

How do you know it is time to get a tutor?

For students who have extended time missing school for various reasons, a tutor is essential. But what about kids who attend school regularly – do they really need tutoring, too?

The continuous rise of tutoring

In recent years, there has been a virtual revolution in tutoring. It has evolved from a model based on tutoring needs to one that focuses heavily on making students more academically competitive. Both parents and educators have jumped on the private tutoring bandwagon, saddling young people with more and more work. An entire tutoring industry has sprung up.

The flip side of the coin is that families are increasingly harming their children with the wrong approaches and thus throwing their money out the window. The upside is that there are more qualified tutors than ever for families who truly benefit from tutoring.

How do I know if I need one?

Whether it’s to prepare for an exam, get help after an extended absence from school, or improve a problem area, having a clear goal is key to making sure you don’t book yourself a tutor unnecessarily. If you’re not really sure why you need a tutor, it’s likely that you don’t need one at all.

Often, a tutor is needed:

  • At the start of the school day and at any change or transition in school type, to give the child some reassurance and to provide help when the child needs it most
  • For assistance with common problem subjects, such as Mathematics, Science, Physics, German, French and English
  • For graduation preparations, such as the IB Diploma or high school diploma
  • To improve academic performance after grades on a school report have dropped.
  • To get a young person back on track after a dubious exam result.
  • After a bout of illness or an unexpected family setback.
  • When a specific learning disability is suspected or diagnosed.

Where there is no need

Schools don’t test or grade children in the early years of school – they may look at how they interact with adults and other children, whether they can concentrate, whether they like to play or listen to a story, but tutoring a child at this age is nonsense and you should be suspicious of those who offer it.

We at Good Tutors Finder are skeptical of those who offer tutoring in verbal and nonverbal reasoning. There are test items in these areas available online, and giving your child plenty of practice and gradually encouraging them to increase their speed is usually enough. If a child is having real problems with these tasks, you would probably be well advised to have them evaluated by a school psychologist. 

Children who are out of school for long periods of time, such as due to illness, should be supported by the community tutoring service, and that should be your first port of call. Whether they provide what you need is another matter.

You’ll be surprised how much you can improve your child’s academic performance by simple measures like regular bed and meal times and turning off screens an hour before bedtime – children can’t work well when they’re either tired or hungry. Read with your kids and take time to do a few math problems here and there.

Study after study shows how important play, fun and free time are to children’s academic development. In many cases, a drop in academic levels is a sign of exhaustion and lack of downtime. Overwhelming children quickly backfires. 

To prevent this, Good Tutors Finder offers tutoring sessions entirely based on the individual needs of your child and you. You can book and monitor everything online, eliminating the need for in-person meetings or phone calls. Sit back while your child gets customized tutoring from a qualified tutor either online or right in your home in all of  France, including Paris, Strasbourg, Nice, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Marseille, Rouen, and all the other cities.

Find out now about availability in your area and book your tutor today.

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Improve your vocabulary with 7 powerful tips Tue, 01 Dec 2020 12:07:17 +0000

Improve your vocabulary with these awesome tips

Why is vocabulary important for good writing?

Similar to speaking vocabulary, writing vocabulary includes words that you can easily summarize and use. From verbs to adjectives and beyond, a strong vocabulary facilitates precise writing and helps you avoid vague words. As you expand your vocabulary, you will be better able to describe certain situations, emotions and ideas. You will also refine a skill known among writers as “painting with words”.

The most valuable vocabulary is that which you can retrieve and use on the spot. After all, learning vocabulary is only valuable if you can actually use your new words in a document and – just as important – use them correctly. If you ask published authors for writing tips, they will probably tell you that it is better to use common words correctly than to use complex words incorrectly. Fortunately, a major advantage of a better vocabulary is that you can use both common and complex words with equal precision.

7 Powerful tips to improve your vocabulary

Most people learn most of their vocabulary at school or university, so it is important to focus on it to get the most out of the time. Fortunately, even after this time, you can always pick up where you left off. Here are some tips for students and adults to help them learn new vocabulary:

1. Develop a reading habit.

Building vocabulary is easiest when you encounter words in context. Seeing how words appear in a novel or newspaper article can be far more helpful than seeing them in vocabulary lists. Not only will you be confronted with unfamiliar words, but you will also see how they are used.

2. Use dictionaries and the thesaurus.

Online dictionaries and thesauruses are helpful resources when used correctly. There are many synonyms and sometimes one fits better into a context than another. A full dictionary definition can also educate you about antonyms, word stems and related words, which is another way to expand your vocabulary.

3. Play word games.

Classic games like Scrabble and Boggle can be a fun way to expand your vocabulary in your native language or even in foreign languages. Crossword puzzles can do the same. If you really want to be efficient, you should end the rounds of these word games with a little note. Keep a list of the different words you have learned during the game, and then repeat this list from time to time.

4. Use flashcards.

A quick way to build a large vocabulary is to learn a number of words using flashcards. In today’s digital age, a wide range of smartphone apps makes it easy to organize the use of flashcards. It makes sense to learn a new word every day. You can always strive for more, but it may not make sense to assimilate dozens of words every day.

5. Subscribe to the "Word of the day" feeds.

Some web platforms provide you with a word every day – either on a website, in an app or via email – to help you expand your vocabulary. You can add these words to running word lists.

6. Use mnemonics.

A mnemonic is a form of word association that helps you remember the definitions and correct use of words. For example, think of the English word “obsequious “, which means “trying to win the favour of influential people by flattery”. Break this word down into its component parts: “obse” is the beginning of “obsessed”, “qui” sounds like the French word for “yes” (oui), and “us” is like the word “us”. So you can imagine the big word “obsequious” as “obsessed with saying yes to us” – what it roughly means!

7. Practice using new words in conversation.

It is possible to accumulate a huge vocabulary without really knowing how to use words, which means that you will have to take it upon yourself to use your personal dictionary. If you come across an interesting word while reading it, you should definitely use it in conversation. By experimenting in informal situations, you can practice the art of word choice and use trial and error to find the right word for a particular context.

Get better at writing with Good Tutors Finder and increase your or your child’s vocabulary with qualified tutors. This can be very helpful not only at school but also later in life. At Good Tutors Finder, all tutors have at least a Bachelor’s degree and are adequately trained to meet all needs. They are proficient in a variety of subjects including Mathematics, Science, Physics, German, French and English, for various curricula such as the IB Diploma, IGCSE, AP and the Gymi curriculum. 

To give you the best experience, you can monitor everything that happens online, eliminating the need for face-to-face meetings, phone calls or perpetual email contact. To ensure equal opportunities, our services are available throughout France, including Paris, Strasbourg, Nice, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Marseille and Rouen. The tutoring will take place, according to your wishes, either at your home or online, so that you can enjoy your day a little more stress-free without having to drive or walk to an appointment.

Find out now about availability in your area and book your tutor today.

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